
Coyotes’ deaths in Montreal need to stop

Montreal, March 7, 2013 – The torturous trapping and slaying of coyotes in Montreal is an irresponsible and inhumane response to urban wildlife, says a coalition of animal welfare groups.

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Defenders (APFA, furbearerdefenders.com) in conjunction with Coyote Watch Canada and Montreal’s SPCA are calling on the City of Montreal and Via Rail to immediately change their policies surrounding urban wildlife.

“We were shocked to hear that Via Rail, a proud Canadian company, showed such disrespect for urban wildlife,” says Lesley Fox, Executive Director for APFA. “Any large municipality or corporation should have the common sense to know trapping to be a horrendous death of animals and does not solve any long term problems.”

Reports on CBC Radio confirm that residents have been feeding the coyotes in the area, a known and scientifically proven cause for increases in conflict.

“The Southwest borough does have a by-law regarding the feeding of wildlife,” notes Alanna Devine, Director of Animal Advocacy for Montreal’s SPCA. “Feeding coyotes will attract them to an area and can result in problematic behavior. It is very disappointing to know that such lethal action was taken before any alternative was considered.”

Ongoing education, investigation of conflict and enforcement of wildlife feeding by-laws can create a harmonious environment.

“Throughout North America, municipalities are becoming compassionate wildlife communities,” says Lesley Sampson, co-founder of Coyote Watch Canada (coyotewatchcanada.ca). “From the City of Niagara Falls to Calabasas, California, co-existence plans have proven an effective means of creating harmonious communities. There is no reason for wildlife to die such gruesome deaths when these plans are readily available.”

All three organizations offer public and municipal education on urban wildlife management that provides non-lethal, cost-efficient and successful co-existence plans.

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Media Contact: Alanna Devine, 514-735-2711 ext 2245, or adevine@spca.com

About the SPCA: The Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was the first humane society in Canada, founded in Montreal in 1869. Guided by the humane ethic, it is the mission of the SPCA to:

▪ protect animals against negligence, abuse, and exploitation;
▪ represent their interests and ensure their well-being;
▪ raise public awareness and help develop compassion for all living beings.

Our role is to prevent cruelty to animals through a number of actions that benefit animals and humans. Visit our web site at www.spca.com

For more information on coyotes in urban areas and better ways to coexist with wildlife, please read the article on this subject by clicking here.

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