Ayo, a tiny five-month-old kitten, was with her mother when they were hit by a car. Unfortunately, her mother didn’t survive, but Ayo did, despite some serious injuries.
Luckily, a Good Samaritan happened to find her and brought her to the Montreal SPCA so the team could take care of her.
Several repercussions
The medical exam revealed several injuries. First, the skin on part of her tail was missing and the area had become necrotic, meaning the cell tissue was dead. Ayo also had an open fracture on the back right leg and the bone and skin were infected. On top of that, the skin on her chin had been ripped away from the skull and was hanging. The kitten was in bad shape and needed care desperately, and immediately.
Medical interventions
To get Ayo back on her paws again, the team decided to take serious measures, beginning with amputating part of her tail and her back right leg. They were able to reconstruct her chin and reattach the skin so everything would work properly and look as normal as possible.
The importance of foster homes
The little kitten needed a calm, safe place to recover, and that’s exactly what her foster family provided. Ayo’s first months were marked with great trials, but the rest of her life will be filled with love because—good news—she found a loving forever home!
If you are interested in helping animals, fill out the request form to become a foster for the Montreal SPCA!
Jennie Lamanque is studying Arts and Humanities at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and writes for the Montreal SPCA. She does everything she can to reduce her ecological footprint as much as possible. She combines her love of animals and writing to encourage people to make more ethical choices.