To meet this animal, please fill out the adoption form.
Forms are handled in the order in which they arrive. We will only contact you if you are a potential match for this animal. Please do not come to the shelter to meet this animal, including during special adoption events, as they are currently in a temporary foster home.
Les deux lapins Brownies et Blackiss sont inséparables. Ils ressentent le besoin de tout faire ensemble. Qu'il s'agisse de manger dans le même bol ou la même laittue, de faire la sieste ou d'explorer leur environnement. Brownies est le plus confiant et sa curiosité le pousse à explorer. Blackiss est un peu timide, mais reste toujours aux côtés de son compagnon. Lorsqu'on leur en laisse le temps, ils sont tous deux très sociables et recherchent beaucoup d'attention. Ils adorent se faire gratter la tête et sauter sur vos genoux.
The two bunnies Brownies and Blackiss are inseparable. They feel the need to do everything together. Whether that is eating from the same bowl or the same loaf of lettuce, napping or exploring their environment. Brownies is the more confident one, and his curiosity leads him to explore. While Blackiss is a little shy, but always stays by his companion's side. Given time they are both very social and want lots of attention. They indeed love head scratches and love jumping on your lap.
Reference Number | 2000236332 |
Species | Rabbit |
Age | 0 |
Sex | Male |
Breed | Rabbit |
Size | M |
Color | Black |