Bobbie (Poppy)
To meet this animal, please fill out the adoption form.
Forms are handled in the order in which they arrive. We will only contact you if you are a potential match for this animal. Please do not come to the shelter to meet this animal, including during special adoption events, as they are currently in a temporary foster home.
Avec le temps, Bobbie apprécie les longues caresses sur le dos et sur le dessus de la tête. Elle se met sur le dos devant vous pour vous faire savoir qu'il est temps de la caresser ! Fait comique, si vous lui donnez de vieilles serviettes, elle commencera à faire son « ménage ». Elle doit les plier d'une certaine façon ! Elle adore aussi les labyrinthes faits de boîtes ! Si vous changez le labyrinthe, Bobbie le traversera en un clin d'œil !
Billie et Bobbie forment un duo lié. Elles devront être adoptées ensemble.
Bobbie, with time, enjoys long pets on her back and on top of her head. She will flop in front of you to let you know it's time for pets! Comically, if you give her old towels, she will start doing her "housework". She has to have them "folded" just a certain way! She also loves mazes made out of boxes! If you change the maze, Bobbie will make her way through it in a flash!
Billie and Bobbie are a bonded pair. They will need to be adopted together.
Reference Number | 2000173324 |
Species | Rabbit |
Age | 0 |
Sex | Female |
Breed | Rabbit |
Size | S |
Color | White |