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Gaston (Chaton)

To meet this animal, please fill out the adoption form.
Forms are handled in the order in which they arrive. We will only contact you if you are a potential match for this animal. Please do not come to the shelter to meet this animal, including during special adoption events, as they are currently in a temporary foster home.

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Gaston est un grand garçon timide avec une personnalité unique. Il lui faudra un certain temps pour s'ouvrir, mais une fois qu'il l'aura fait, il sera un excellent compagnon de câlins.

Après avoir reçu une petite friandise, il aime s'asseoir sur le canapé et ronronner aussi longtemps qu'il se fait caresser. Il aime aussi dormir avec ses parents d'accueil. Gaston dort la majeure partie de la journée, mais lorsqu'il est éveillé, il aime suivre et observer ses humains à distance, ou jouer de son propre chef.

Comme il est timide, il a besoin d'un environnement calme et d'un maître patient et persévérant qui l'aidera à sortir de sa coquille et à vivre pleinement sa vie.


Gaston is a big, shy senior boy with a unique personality. It will take him a while to open up, but once he does, he is a great cuddle buddy.

After getting a little treat, he enjoys siting on the couch and purr for as long as he gets pet. He also likes to sleep with his foster parents. Gaston sleeps for most of the day, but when he is awake, he likes to follow and observe his humans from a distance, or play on his own accord.

As he is shy, he would need a calm environment as well as a patient, persistent owner who will help him break out of his shell and live his life to the fullest.

Reference Number43660721
BreedDomestic Shorthair