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To meet this animal, please fill out the adoption form.
Please note that this animal is currently in a temporary foster home. If your profile matches the one sought for this animal, a member of our team will contact you within the next five days to conduct a pre-screening interview.

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Trixie est un peu timide au départ, mais très gentille une fois qu'elle a appris à vous connaître un peu. Elle adore se rouler par terre pour vous et montrer son ventre pour vous inviter a lui donner des grattages. Elle adore les caresses et les demande très poliment en vous tapotant avec sa petite patte. Je n'ai jamais constaté d'agressivité de sa part, elle ne griffe pas, ne mord pas et est très douce. Elle est très joueuse et adore qu'on lui lance son jouet favori, la souris.
Trixie is a little shy at first, but very sweet girl once she gets to know you a little bit. Loves rolling on the floor for you and showing her belly, which she doesn't mind rubbed at all. She loves pets overall and will very politely ask for them by patting you with her little paw. I haven't seen any aggression from her at all, she doesn't scratch or bite and is very gentle. After she was spayed, she's not too vocal (would occasionally meow for attention) and uses her litter box with no issues. She's not a lap cat but shows her love in other ways, for instance by licking you clean :-) And she's very playful, loves when you throw her favourite mouse toy.

Reference Number2000142775
BreedDomestic Shorthair