Photo 1
Photo 2
Notes and inclusions

* When a small animal is part of a bonded pair, the Montreal SPCA waives the adoption fees for the second animal.


To meet this animal, please fill out the adoption form.
Forms are handled in the order in which they arrive. We will only contact you if you are a potential match for this animal. Please do not come to the shelter to meet this animal, including during special adoption events, as they are currently in a temporary foster home.

Fill out the form

Les cochons d'inde sont des animaux grégaires. Goku, Krilin et Vegeta sont trois frères qui s'aiment beaucoup! Ils devront alors être tous adopté ensemble.

Leur famille d'accueil dit d'eux qu'ils sont très gentils, aiment se faire prendre et flatter et affectueux. Ils aiment apprendre de nouvelles choses et regarder la télé avec leurs humains !

Vegeta est le petit timide de la fratrie. Par contre, il ne dit jamais non à de la bonne laitue dans votre main! La voie vers son cœur sont les bons légumes!

Guinea pigs are gregarious animals. Goku, Krilin and Vegeta are three brothers who love each other very much! They'll all have to be adopted together.

Their Foster family says they are very kind, like to be held and pet and affectionate. They are also eager to learn new tricks and like to watch TV with their humans !

Vegeta is the shy one of the siblings. On the other hand, he never says no to good lettuce in your hand! Good vegetables are the way to his heart!

Reference Number2000172341
BreedGuinea Pig