

Many wild exotic animals are suffering in Canada. They are being held in captivity in roadside zoos or by private owners in substandard conditions that come nowhere close to replicating their diverse natural habitats. There are an estimated 1.5million privately owned exotic animals in the country, including around 30 great apes, nearly 4,000 big cats and over 20 elephants. These animals are intelligent, sentient beings with complex social, psychological, physical and environmental needs, and they do not belong in captivity.  

But there is hope on the horizon. If passed, Bill S-15 would: 

  • Phase out the captivity of elephants and great apes in Canada by banning zoos and private owners from acquiring new animals or breeding them, and 
  • Immediately prohibit the use of these animals in entertainment performances.  

This legislation is a strong start, but it still has room for improvement. Bill S-15 should also include big cats, such as lions, cheetahs and tigers, and a “Noah Clause” that would allow the government to add more species to this legislation in the future, as scientific understanding evolves. 

Speak out for wild animals suffering in captivity across Canada!

Ask federal decision-makers to support and strengthen Bill S-15 by sending them this pre-written letter. 

Photo: We Animals Media