Behind closed doors
The Montreal SPCA is deeply concerned by Bill C-275, An Act to amend the Health of Animals Act (biosecurity on farms), which is now at the crucial sta...
Read moreChibo, our top model
Together, we’re rewriting their stories! The year is drawing to a close. Once again in 2023, thanks to you, the Montreal SPCA has risen to the challen...
Read moreThis Monday, October 9, the Montreal SPCA to Wa...
This Monday, October 9, the Montreal SPCA to Waive Adoption Fees Now at maximum capacity, the shelter is looking for loving homes for its animals
Read moreMontreal Spca is Waiving Adoption Fees on Monda...
Montreal Spca is Waiving Adoption Fees on Monday, October 9! The peak season of 2023 should be coming to an end, yet an uptick in strays is keeping ou...
Read moreCupid at work: An unlikely duo
Sometimes, when cats need a little more time to adjust after arriving at the shelter, we place them in larger enclosures in a secluded, quiet room com...
Read moreForgotten and neglected
We believe Hope had been locked in the bathroom of a vacant rental for two days before our patrollers found and rescued her. She was visibly unwell, u...
Read moreA new adventure game to benefit the animals!
Today, the famous actor Jean-Claude Van Damme and France-based AwareCorp Studios, in partnership with the Montreal SPCA, announced the release of VAN...
Read moreAdoption Fees Waived This Sunday at the Montrea...
To facilitate the adoption of many animals, the Montreal SPCA is waiving adoption fees for one day only, THIS SUNDAY, JULY 9.
Read moreA Wave of Abandonments Hits Hard
After a 21% Increase in Animal Abandonment, the Montreal SPCA Calls for Help. Sadly known as a peak period for animal abandonment, the summer moving s...
Read moreMoving season claims another victim
“Reese is the perfect example of an animal who should never have ended up at the SPCA. The gentleman clearly loved her and hearing his story broke my...
Read moreZygo and Zinnia won’t be making the trip
Their sobbing guardian places a kiss on Zygo’s forehead, another on Zinnia’s, before locking the door behind her. It’s at this moment that the two cat...
Read moreThe Montreal SPCA launches its first podcast: “...
Today, the Montreal SPCA launches the very first season of its new podcast, “Au nom des animaux”. Hosted by Claudia Larochelle, this first season feat...
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