Back in April, the day before the last snowstorm of the year, a concerned neighbour found three tiny puppies abandoned on the sidewalk without their mother. Concerned for their safety, he brought them straight to the SPCA. We estimated that these puppies were only three days old.
One of them was very ill and unfortunately didn’t survive. But we wanted to give his brother, Kobe, and sister, Sadie, the best chance of survival.

Kobe and Sadie—two little champions!
“I took care of Kobe and Sadie during their first few days at the shelter”, recounts Jessica Nichol, Clinical Programs Manager at the Montreal SPCA. “I had to get up several times a night to feed and clean the fragile little puppies. But watching these two little fluff balls gain strength as they drank gave me hope and renewed energy.”
We were afraid we were going to lose Sadie. But today, Kobe and Sadie are strapping four-month-old puppies who are almost ready for adoption. Their foster families have raised them with love and care. Seeing these babies grow up healthy shows that all their care was not in vain. Nothing makes us happier than knowing that our little orphans will soon flourish with their new families.

We’re counting on people like you to help us rescue vulnerable puppies like Kobe and Sadie. By signing up for our Monthly Giving Program between now and September 30, you’ll double your impact for animals, thanks to an anonymous donor who will match your donations for a year*!

Their survival depends on you
Our Neonatal Program for orphaned kittens and puppies, which celebrates its fifth anniversary this year, has so far enabled us to rescue over 827 babies. The generosity of donors like you saves lives, including the littlest ones!