
Our victories

Defending and protecting all animals

Since 1869, the Montreal SPCA has been a key political player, recognized for being in the vanguard of progress with regard to animal protection in Quebec and Canadian society. Our deep commitment to defending animals of all species is a defining characteristic of our organization.

This vital work is carried out by our specialized animal advocacy team, whose mission is to speak on behalf of animals, defend their interests, strengthen their protection and increase the consideration they are given by society. 

The team fulfills this mission by driving legislative and policy reform, fighting in court to advance animal law, and raising public awareness of animal protection issues while mobilizing civic engagement. 

The Montreal SPCA’s animal advocacy team has fought many and varied battles to strengthen animal protection and has played a key role in securing important victories for animals. As the main driving force behind legislative change in this area, it has truly transformed Quebec animal law over the past decade.  

Support our mission by making a donation today. Together, let’s build a better world for animals.

Our recent victories

  • Introduction of a provincial bill to ban no-pet clauses in residential leases in response to our ongoing efforts to have these clauses invalidated (2023)
  • Launch of a provincial campaign demanding that the government regulate the living conditions of animals raised for food (2023)
  • Creation of Quebec’s first animal protection podcast (2023)
  • Being granted intervenor status in the Longueuil deer cull case in order to submit to Quebec courts arguments related to responsible wildlife management and the implications of recognizing animal sentience in law (2022-2023) 
  • Launch of a pilot project allowing leashed dogs on the Montreal metro system following our Fido on the Metro campaign (2022) 
  • Provincial ban on gas chambers as well as cat declawing and other non-therapeutic surgeries performed on companion animals as a consequence of our lobbying and public campaign efforts (2022)  
  • Organization of the first-ever federal (2021), municipal (2021) and provincial (2022) animal protection electoral debates  
  • Ban on horse-drawn carriages and the enactment of the most progressive animal bylaw in the entire province following our lobbying efforts directed at the City of Montreal (2018) 
  • Successful fight against breed-specific legislation at both the municipal (City of Montreal) and provincial levels, including taking legal action against the City of Montreal, intense lobbying efforts at both levels of government, as well as public awareness campaigns (2016-2018)
  • Adoption of a new provision in the Civil Code of Québec recognizing animals as sentient beings (art. 898.1) as well as the adoption of the Animal Welfare and Safety Act, Quebec’s first provincial law entirely devoted to animal protection, in response to our Animals Are Not Things campaign (2015)

View the recent animal advocacy work accomplished by the Montreal SPCA:

Listen to the Montreal SPCA podcast*

We love our cats and dogs… But are we just as concerned about the plight of other animals? Are there enough laws protecting them? Do we have any moral obligation to protect them?

* in French only