
Sterilization Clinic

Spay and neuter: it’s the caring option

The Mittens-Montreal SPCA Targeted Permanent Sterilization Clinic, supervised by head veterinarian Dr. Gabrielle Carrière, was founded by the Montreal SPCA in March 2015 thanks to a generous anonymous donor. This clinic’s name is a tribute to the donor’s beloved cat Mittens. The medical equipment was donated in memory of Fluffster, her other adored cat.

This clinic’s mission is to help counter the animal overpopulation in Quebec by offering discounted sterilization services to animal guardians with limited financial resources. The clinic has received all the necessary authorizations for its operation from the Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (OMVQ).

Mittens et Fluffster

Mittens and Fluffster

Benefits of sterilization

For females

For female cats and dogs alike, sterilization reduces the risk of tumors in the mammary glands, as well as ovarian and uterine cancers. It also eliminates the problem of pyometritis (uterine infection), which is common in unsterilized females. It furthermore prevents menstrual bleeding in dogs (every six months), excessive vocalization in cats, as well as agitation and sometimes unwanted behaviour associated with heats.

For males

For male dogs, sterilization eliminates the risk of prostate problems and testicular cancer and reduces the marking of territory. For cats, it also decreases marking and the strong smell of urine associated with it, all while reducing the risk of conflicts between cats.


Here are two ways to have your animal sterilized:

Choose the one that best suits your situation.

  1. Verify your eligibility for the SPCA’s clinic by filling out the form at the bottom of the current page.

  2. Contact your usual veterinary clinic or find a clinic near you;


El personal de la SPCA de Montréal puede comunicarse en francés e inglés, pero nuestros equipos no manejan otros idiomas. Por esta razón, si usted no habla ni francés ni inglés, le rogamos que venga en compañía de otra persona que pueda servirle de traductor durante su visita. ¡Gracias por su colaboración!


If you have selected the first option, fill out the form below. If you qualify, we will inform you of the rates, availability and any other applicable terms.

Concerned about the health and safety of its employees and visitors, the Montreal SPCA has implemented a new procedure in reopen its targeted sterilization program. To apply social distancing, we have to work with a reduced team and limit the number of visitors in the shelter.

Since we are receiving many requests and have a limited number of places, we will prioritize the most urgent requests, according to Association vétérinaire Québécoise de médecine de refuge (AVQMR) recommendations.

The patients we will prioritize for sterilization services are:

  • Pregnant females
  • Females at high risk of pregnancy (in mixed households, outdoor cats)
  • Unsterilized animals whose behaviour is problematic (in heat, marking territory, yowling)
  • Emergency procedures

Due to the current labour shortage affecting our services, our response time could take up to three (3) months. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Confidentiality: all information gathered via this questionnaire remains confidential and will not be released to anyone other than individuals working for or with the Montreal SPCA.