
A Wave of Abandonments Hits Hard  

Press release – For immediate release

After a 21% Increase in Animal Abandonment, the Montreal SPCA Calls for Help 

Montréal, June 27, 2023 – During the first four months of 2023, the number of animals entrusted to the Montreal SPCA rose by 21%, compared to the same period in 2022. This significant increase forces the shelter to redouble its efforts and creativity to be able to help all vulnerable creatures. Sadly known as a peak period for animal abandonment, the summer moving season promises to be more challenging than ever this year for the SPCA. 

2023 moving season: A particularly difficult time for animals 

More than one animal a day is abandoned at the SPCA because of a move. The Montreal SPCA predicts this rate of surrenders will rise over the next months. 

The Montreal SPCA’s phone is ringing off the hook 

The shelter’s receptionists took an average 187 calls per day in April, May and June, and this number rose to 255 calls per day in recent weeks! Moves, evictions, separations, new owners and precarious situations were among the reasons frequently given for abandonment. We know people turn to the SPCA as a last resort. 

“Our staff members hear heartbreaking stories of abandoned animals every day, many times a day. The rising cost of living and the lack of housing that is not only affordable, but where animals are allowed, is putting more and more pressure on organizations in the social safety net, like the Montreal SPCA,” explains Anthony Johnson, executive director of the Montreal SPCA.  

The general public is encouraged to be part of the solution. Those wishing to help the animals can donate or adopt, become a foster family, volunteer time, or share the organization’s calls for help with friends and family. 

Fundraising is essential to the Montreal SPCA’s survival 

From admission to adoption, it costs an average of $1,000 to care for each animal the SPCA takes in, including medical treatment and behavioural assessment. In this particularly busy summer period, the SPCA is appealing to animal lovers’ generosity to be able to continue caring for the animals. Funded mainly by donations, the Montreal SPCA needs help to keep up with the growing number of animals admitted to the shelter in this critical time.  

With “moving day” just around the corner, let’s help the animals at the Montreal SPCA. 


Source : Montreal SPCA

Information : Rosalie Pelletier, public relations project manager, tök communications, 514 535-0326 | poste 204, rosalie@tokcommunications.ca

About the Montreal SPCA
Founded in Montréal in 1869, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (now better known as the Montreal SPCA) was the first animal-welfare organization in Canada. The SPCA has come a long way since its beginnings and is today the largest animal-protection organization in Québec, speaking on behalf of animals wherever there is ignorance, cruelty, exploitation or neglect.

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